Since that first triumphant, sun-drenched episode, Birdsall has written three sequels, with one more still to come.

With all my siblings still at home, provoking me to laughter or to tears in equal measures, I saw myself in the Penderwick family and I loved them. Sometimes, the very quirks which drive you mad with frustration become your sibling’s most endearing qualities. As one of six kids brought up in a tight-knit, homeschooling family, I know what it is like to be friends with one’s siblings (albeit reluctantly at times). This family of four sisters, a devoted but forgetful father, and a trusty Hound-dog captured my heart with their warmth and reality. I read the first book in the series, The Penderwicks, when I was a freshman in high school. Now, before you roll your eyes and pronounce me a hopeless sap for crying over a kids’ book, let me explain.

Do yourself a favor and grab a copy as soon as you can, because it was wonderful! Surrounded by tissues, red-nosed, and teary, I am remembering all of the reasons that this little family is my favorite. I just finished the latest Penderwicks book by Jeanne Birdsall.